U.S. News ranked Michigan’s infrastructure 42nd nationally. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) gave Michigan’s infrastructure a C- which means “their infrastructure is in mediocre condition and requires attention”.

To put it simply, we NEED to invest in our infrastructure!

Each year, cities submit projects to their elected officials as they seek funding for their projects. It is a simple process. Officials will list the projects they would like to request financing, calculate the money they need, and submit it to their elected officials.

Hillary Scholten listed the following projects on her website for which she would request federal funding in the 2024 Fiscal Year.

If you click the link above, you can see that the number totals $29,184,000. However, the link below will show she was able to bring home $34% of the needed funding.

The two discrepancies not listed originally on her website are the following:

  • City of Muskegon Police Modular Vehicle Barrier Systems – $380,000

  • City of Grand Rapids Butterworth Street Stormwater Project – $959,752

Hillary continues to vote for every budget increase and military defense supplemental aid. This has totaled hundreds of billions of dollars for defense contractors exploiting our government.

We wonder why communities fall behind, and why companies move from our communities. It is because our communities are being grossly underfunded.

If elected, I would make sure American infrastructure projects are fully funded before sending billions overseas.