I will be the only candidate in my race to refuse any PAC, super PAC, or individual contributions. I intend to continue this if I am elected to office.

I am seeking office to bring transparency back to our political system.

The categories below are topics my constituents have asked for my opinions, stances, and solutions.

My Policies and Priorities

  • American Manufacturing

    The NAFTA trade agreement and politicians signing backdoor NDAs with corporations have caused the greatest loss of manufacturing jobs in Michigan. It is time we focus on reinvesting in America’s manufacturing future.

    We need to elect a candidate that prioritizes and has experience in manufacturing.

  • Ban Political Corruption

    It is “we the people” not “we the corporations and billionaires”. Politicians are coming to Washington to get rich and not serve their constituents. I am running against two candidates backed by billionaire super PACs.

    Learn more about how I am fighting corporate corruption in my own race!

  • Big Pharma

    Big Pharma needs to be at the forefront of discussions. High drug prices, which limit access to essential medications for many people; aggressive marketing practices that prioritize profits over patient welfare; and concerns about pushing highly addictive prescription drugs.

    It is time we elect a politician who will address the influence Big Pharma has in our political system.

  • Tax Policies and Economics

    Politicians continue to open loopholes benefiting their wealthy corporate donors, while ignoring small businesses and our middle class. In 2025 we will be negotiating new tax laws. It is important we continue low corporate tax rates to support small businesses, the child tax credit, and close tax loopholes for Fortune 500 companies that pay $0 in federal taxes.

    Itt is time we elect a small business owner who will fight for our district instead of corporations.

  • Make Housing Affordable

    The American Dream of owning a home has come and gone for many. Average home prices nationally have increased from $260k to over $400K. Private equity is on track to increase their ownership of single family homes from 5% to 40% within the next 8 years. Meanwhile mortgage payments have almost doubled as interest rates have jumped from 2.25% to 7% within three years.

    As a realtor, I have the experience needed to address the current housing crisis.

  • Environment

    I promise to always protect our natural resources. I am a pro-business candidate, but that does not mean we should sacrifice our natural resources in the process. I support shutting down line 5. I will lead the fight against PFAS chemicals. I believe nuclear plants are a good source of clean energy, but I STRONGLY oppose nuclear plants along our Great Lakes.

    Lets elect the only candidate who has started and operated an environmental non-profit.

  • Education

    Michigan is ranked near the bottom nationally in education. Teachers are overwhelmed with large class sizes, and low pay. Meanwhile the curriculum being taught is more politicized than ever. I was disappointed by our state’s budget that cut school’s mental health funding.

    Our kids are our future, and we need to provide them with the tools to succeed. Lets elect someone who has been a teacher to represent our kids, future and district!

  • Healthcare

    Americans are being ripped off by big pharma and the insurance industry. Medical debt is one of the leading causes of personal bankruptcy. Administrative costs for hospitals are some of the highest they have ever been while patient time with their doctors are down to a national average of 7 minutes. The same medication that costs Americans $500/tablet is being sold for a fraction of the price in other countries.

    We are the wealthiest country in the world. It is important that we take care of our own. People should not be afraid to seek medical attention for fear of bankruptcy.

  • Women's Reproductive Rights

    I am a pro-choice Democrat. I support women, and families, having the freedom to speak with their trusted physicians to make decisions as they see fit. I support the Equal Rights Amendment Act (ERA) as opponents have acknowledged passing the ERA would have prevented overturing Roe v. Wade.

    I understand the fragility and true blessing that is a human life. I support universal childcare because 93% of abortions occur in the 1st term and 2/3’s of them are by those aged 18-30 year old. If we provide universal childcare, we could see a significant drop in abortions

  • Infrastructure

    Michigan is ranked 42nd nationally in infrastructure as cited by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Our current Representative brought back 34% of the needed funding for infrastructure projects in our district. It is important that we are staying competitive to attract more businesses to West Michigan.

    It is time we elect someone who fill prioritize funding our infrastructure instead of sending billions of tax dollars overseas.

  • National Debt & Federal Spending

    Our national debt has soared under the past two presidents up to $35T. Home prices have surged, seniors on fixed incomes are being forced back to work, and the middle class is working multiple jobs to “keep up.” As our national debt increases our dollar value decreases. This makes the overall cost of living more expensive.

    It is time we elect a small business owner that will stop decreasing the dollar’s value, invest in our community, and improve our country’s financial future.

  • Secure Border

    A secure border fights against human trafficking, invasive species, and our fentanyl crisis. Hillary Scholten says she supports a secure border, but has voted against border protections. We need to provide the resources necessary to protect our Southern Border to ensure migrant safety. I support a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented and the DACA program as recent U.S. Chamber of Commerce reports show we have approximately 11 million job openings. There is a need for workers in our country.

    We need a politician that will not politicize the border and get things done.

  • Universal Childcare

    Michigan ranks in the bottom half when it comes to education. Annual childcare costs are at a range from $10k to above $20k. A recent U.S. Chamber of Commerce report showed 11 million job openings. Universal childcare will allow parents to return to the workforce. Universal childcare will add jobs and ensure all children are set up to succeed.

  • Social Security & Medicare

    We are approaching a critical time period as Social Security is on pace to reduce benefits by 2035. Vulnerable Americans who worked a lifetime paying into Social Security and Medicare are fearful they may need to adjust future plans.

    I oppose efforts to raise the retirement age and efforts to cut/privatize our Social Security. I support making these programs more efficient by cracking down on waste, fraud, and abuse. We can do this by offering simplified programs, and breaking up the current Pharmacy Benefit Manager monopolies.

  • Protecting Whistleblowers (FISA 702)

    The Patriot Act and FISA 702 are being weaponized by our government. All three of my opponents support this program and its warrantless surveillance on journalists, whistleblowers, and protestors. FISA 702 is making our government less transparent and without a warrant requirement, the program violates our 4th amendment rights while threatening our 1st amendment rights .

    We need a politician that promises to defend our constitution from threats foreign and domestic.

  • Military Industrial Complex

    President Eisenhower, warned us about our country’s obsession with forever wars. We now spend more on defense then the next nine countries COMBINED. It is important we stay ahead with our defense technology, but we cannot become obsessed. We must always seek to resolve conflicts diplomatically first to avoid the loss of human life and more spending.

    If elected, I promise to respect our troops by seeking diplomatic solutions prior to military intervention.

  • Supporting Veterans

    We owe everything to those who have served, and protected, our country. Veterans are most at risk for homelessness and it is important that we take care of them. I applaud President Biden for passing the PACT Act during his term.

    If elected, I promise to ensure veteran benefits are fully funded, accessible, and that I am always there for them.

  • Tiktok Ban

    I will be the only candidate to oppose the Tiktok ban. It was a bipartisan misinformation campaign by our government. 60% of the company is owned by international investors, similar to most Fortune 500 companies. 20% ownership by employees (7,000 of which are Americans) and 20%ownership by the two original creators. If TikTok was banned for fear of China, why did 95 legislators sign NDA’s with Chinese Battery Maker Gotion?

    I support restrictions on major tech social media companies, but it must be uniform.

    If elected, I will prevent government overreach and I will not support misinformation campaigns.

  • Cannabis

    I support the legalization of cannabis on the federal level. It is crucial for federal, and state, policies to be aligned on this issue for commerce reasons and to allow people to have their records cleaned. It is important we get people back to work, and allow them to build a better future. This would be a great step forward.

    If elected, I will be the only candidate to support legalization at the federal level.

  • Israel & AIPAC

    If elected, my sole purpose is to serve my constituents and to put the interests of the United States of America first. We need to continuously evaluate our actions toward foreign affairs. We need to keep foreign governments out of our elections to ensure integrity. AIPAC is a super PAC that lobbies on behalf of a foreign country’s interests and refuses to comply with our Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). The group has promised to spend $100M in our 2024 election cycle. The group is one of Hillary Scholten’s largest financial backers.

    It is important we keep foreign interference out of our elections!

  • Ranked Choice Voting

    We constantly hear “why would I vote for this candidate? they have no chance of winning”. If we use a ranked choice voting system, this would end that debate.

    I support a ranked choice voting system and I believe you should too!

  • How Is My Campaign Financed?

    I am running for office because I want to bring transparency back to politics. I am sick of politicians getting rich while they serve in office and forget about their voters.

    Click the link below if you want to know how my campaign is financed.

  • President Biden

    Click the link below to read my statements about President Biden in response to Hillary Scholten asking him to step down.

  • Vice President Harris

    Please click the link below to read my statements about Vice President Harris and the current state of the Presidential Nominee for the Democratic Party.