A foreign government is heavily lobbying our Congress.

During April 2024 alone, “the least productive Congress in history” was able to get 16 Israel-related bills voted on. We have not had 16 votes in a month regarding healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc.

AIPAC stands for The American Israel Public Affairs Committee. It is more powerful than defense contractors, and the National Rifle Association (NRA). AIPAC contributes to both Republican and Democratic campaigns most notably endorsing over 200 pro-life Republican candidates.

AIPAC does not comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). AIPAC compliance with FARA is something that has been requested since the days of JFK, yet they continue to refuse compliance.

AIPAC broke the record for highest contribution to a campaign by contributing over $15 Million to George Latimer’s New York Congressional campaign. The group that represents the interests of a foreign government has vowed to spend over $100 Million during our 2024 election cycle. Hillary Scholten has been a large recipient of AIPAC dollars totaling over $200,000.

My party spoke out in 2016 about Trump and Russian interference. Now, both parties are staying silent as they collect thousands from AIPAC.

I do not support more American tax dollars going to a government whose prime minister is being tried for corruption charges by his own government.

I do not believe it is in America’s best interest to continue using our UN Veto power in support of one country. I do not believe we should align with a country that suppresses freedom of the press to avoid criticism of their actions.

American taxpayers have sent over $300 billion to Israel. The second highest recipient of US foreign aid would be Egypt at $168 billion.

I do not believe American taxpayers should continue sending billions in economic support to a country whose GDP/capita ranks 11th best in the world. Israel’s GDP/capita ranks above countries such as Canada, Germany, Netherlands, and The United Kingdom. Israel also has free healthcare, subsidized housing, and subsidized college. Meanwhile domestically, Americans have none of these benefits.

We need to seek to stabilize the region by diplomatic solutions as American taxpayers cannot continue to foot these large foreign aid packages.