My opponents have politicized the border much like every other politician. Hillary has stated that she wants common-sense border reform and that there is a need for it. However, she will not tell you she has opposed what I would consider to be common-sense border bills like HR 3602. That bill stated the following.

  • Destruction Of United States Border Controls.—Any person who knowingly and without lawful authorization destroys, alters, or damages any fence, barrier, sensor, camera, or other physical or electronic device deployed by the Federal Government to control the border or a port of entry or otherwise seeks to construct, excavate, or make any structure intended to defeat, circumvent, or evade any such fence, barrier, sensor camera, or other physical or electronic device deployed by the Federal Government to control the border or a port of entry

  • “(a) Illicit Spotting.—Any person who knowingly transmits, by any means, to another person the location, movement, or activities of any Federal, State, local, or tribal law enforcement agency with the intent to further a Federal crime relating to United States immigration, customs, controlled substances, agriculture, monetary instruments, or other border controls shall be fined under title 18, United States Code, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

We need to improve our immigration process and increase the number of processing centers throughout Central and South American countries. We have one of the lowest unemployment rates and the highest number of jobs needing to be filled. If someone wants to come and contribute to our society we should be looking to grant them visas.

I spoke with a group of farmers in Early May 2024, and they agreed with me about the concern of invasive species entering the country due to Hillary’s “NAY” vote against this bill. I am also concerned about her opposing this bill that would have helped to fight against controlled substances and human trafficking entering our country.

If elected, I promise the following:

  • To not politicize the border

  • To not dehumanize immigrants

  • To support commonsense border reform regardless if the bill is presented by my party or the Republicans

  • To fight against human trafficking

  • To keep controlled substances out of our communities