We are approaching a critical period as Social Security is on pace to reduce benefits by 2035.

Vulnerable Americans who worked a lifetime paying into Social Security and Medicare are fearful they may need to adjust plans.

I oppose efforts to raise the retirement age and efforts to cut/privatize our Social Security.

I support making these programs more efficient by cracking down on waste, fraud, and abuse. This includes fraud by large insurance companies that seek to confuse our seniors and have purchased most of our Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs).

We can simplify Medicare programs to reduce administrative costs. This will allow more prescription drugs and primary care doctors to be in-network. It does not make sense for a patient to build familiarity with their primary care doctor, yet be forced to switch doctors at 65 because their Medicare insurance is not accepted.

We can lower prescription drug prices by breaking up the current Pharmacy Benefit Manager monopolies which produce 80% of our prescription drugs.