I respect President Biden's and others' endorsements, but I support an open convention.

I support having those interested in becoming the nominee step forward to share their vision to make the United States of America a better place for all.

This is the process our party has set in place and not allowing an open convention for others to step forward goes against our party and country’s values.

I acknowledge Vice President Harris’ role in the current administration, but I want to hear her vision to move us forward.

Our goal as Democrats should be to rally the base while simultaneously growing the Democratic umbrella to attract independents. This means using this time to listen and take in information.

If Vice President Harris comes out of the convention as the Democratic nominee that is the time for Democrats to rally around her.

I have spoken with voters who support VP Harris being the nominee immediately, and with voters who want to see an open convention. Therefore, having an open convention would satisfy both groups as it would allow VP Harris to become the nominee, and more independent voters could see an open convention. Allowing our party to achieve the ultimate goal of growing our party’s majority this November.