I am a pro-choice candidate.

I support women having the ability to consult with their doctors to make the difficult decisions that they may need to make. I understand there may be horrible acts of forced pregnancies where women should have the freedom to make those decisions.

I will not openly celebrate abortion. I view life to be incredibly fragile and rare. Therefore, if the government can do something to limit the number of abortions, without taking away freedoms, then they should act. This includes providing universal childcare as the decision to have abortions can some times be an economical decision.

The Democratic party has weaponized the topic of women’s reproductive rights to divide Americans and gain votes. Let me explain.

The 19th Amendment was passed in 1920 and gave white women the right to vote. However, the 19th Amendment did not legally state that men and women were equal. Therefore in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was introduced to “provide for the legal equality of the sexes and prohibit discrimination based on sex.”

In 1972, Congress approved the ERA, and was sent to the states to be ratified into their constitution. In 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the amendment clearing the way for the ERA to become law. However, President Biden has not ordered the Archivist to certify and publish the ERA, nor has he stated his position on the current status of the ERA.

In 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe V. Wade via the case of Dobbs V. Jackson and made reproductive rights a State Government issue. In November 2022, Michiganders voted 57% to 43% in favor of Prop 3, the women’s right to reproductive freedom. Professors at Colombia Law have written that if President Biden had called the Archivist to certify and publish the ERA, this would have protected the Roe V. Wade ruling. Opponents of the ERA have stated if President Biden made the ERA law then women would have the right to reproductive freedom.

The ERA not only protects reproductive freedom but also protects against discrimination for women concerning pay disputes, higher insurance rates, mortgages, etc.

Therefore, I would support pressuring the President to pass the ERA. 3/4 of the states have ratified the amendment, which is the needed majority to become law constitutionally speaking it is time.

I promise not to weaponize the sensitive topic of women’s reproductive rights as done by both political systems.