Childcare costs have skyrocketed to nearly $36,000/annually. It is too expensive. Therefore, I support a universal daycare initiative.

We can easily fund universal childcare by redirecting the military funds spent on the war in Ukraine to subsidize community, home-based, and stay-at-home parents. Instead of supporting the military-industrial complex, we will pay 100% of care for the three million children under five who live below our poverty line.

I support capping the cost at 10% of family income for everyone else. These payments will not be available to corporate daycare chains or the hedge funds that own them. They will fund only single-location small businesses and parents who decide to stay home with their children. 

Universal childcare has the potential to add $1 trillion to our GDP. With childcare costs not as daunting, this will help to lower the number of abortions.

I also want to see an increase to the child tax credit to encourage more families to grow our population.