The national debt is approaching $35 Trillion. We are looking at an estimated $1.6 Trillion spending bill coming up which is $400 Billion more than the previous year.

The interest payment on our debt alone will be $870 Billion by the end of 2024. The interest payment on our debt is up 152% from the $345 Billion interest payment made in 2020.

We have had almost 700 people become billionaires since 2020. Including the brother of Paul Hudson, my potential Republican opponent.

I have been a realtor since 2021 and purchased two rental properties since. The average home price for a single-family starter home has increased by almost $100k since 2019.

Billionaires and rising home prices are some of the results of increased government spending. You will find many politicians pander when addressing our national debt. Politicians may bring up the debt, and make statements like “we need to address it”, but never offer a solution.

You may criticize my opinion, but in no particular order, here we go: